Solutions for Entrepreneurs

Fast, passionate, expert business advice

We help companies through major financial changes, improving their financial position.

View our Services

Business Planning

A new busi­ness, project, prop­er­ty or strat­e­gy? 
And your succession?

Fund Raising

Finance growth, refi­nance debt, or increase equity.


Improve strat­e­gy, oper­a­tional and finan­cial structure.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Get the best con­di­tions for your com­pa­ny, activ­i­ties and assets. 

The busi­ness is usu­al­ly a major com­po­nent of an entrepreneur’s wealth and some­times of his lia­bil­i­ties. Your per­son­al sit­u­a­tion and goals deter­mine the strat­e­gy through any major change. We bear in mind your per­son­al require­ments, tax issues, eth­i­cal beliefs and val­ues, mar­ket views, pref­er­ences, visions, and what­ev­er is impor­tant to you. Busi­ness­es and Real Estate often require a sim­i­lar approach.

What can we thus do for you?

We can sup­port you in the plan­ning and exe­cu­tion of any major finan­cial change such as invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties, acqui­si­tions, asset sales, financ­ing trans­ac­tions and busi­ness trans­for­ma­tions. We can help you get­ting trans­ac­tion-ready for major finan­cial changes, prepar­ing doc­u­ments, find­ing most ade­quate coun­ter­parts and get­ting the best conditions.


We are inde­pen­dent, expe­ri­enced and com­mit­ted finan­cial pro­fes­sion­als who can quick­ly com­ple­ment your resources for major finan­cial changes or chal­lenges.

These span from main­tain­ing financ­ing to merg­ers and acqui­si­tions, suc­ces­sion or divest­ment, includ­ing of prop­er­ty.

If you plan a major trans­ac­tion, this might be an infre­quent task and you might ben­e­fit from addi­tion­al knowl­edge and reach, as well as from pro­fes­sion­al and hon­est execution.

Delays and mis­takes may cost more than let­ting an expert doing it.

Your coun­ter­parts in a major trans­ac­tion act accord­ing to the pro­fes­sion­al­ism per­ceived of your part.

Pro­fes­sion­al doc­u­ments and propo­si­tions are essen­tial and add more val­ue than what they cost.

An inde­pen­dent view can be cru­cial in dif­fi­cult situations.

We pro­vide you ade­quate advi­so­ry and or bro­ker­age ser­vices to mas­ter changes or close the trans­ac­tion you are aim­ing for.

We sup­port the prin­ci­ple that you shall keep costs lean. 

Our part­ners based in Switzer­land and abroad are there active main­ly  in south­ern Europe.

We pro­vide a wider reach through an exten­sive network.

Meet­ings take gen­er­al­ly place at the client’s premises.

We are hap­py to co-oper­ate with and in fact com­ple­ment lawyers, tax con­sul­tants, accoun­tants, audi­tors and oth­er client’s specialists.

We are only senior part­ners with many years of experience.

Instead of heavy over­heads to keep busy we use an exten­sive net­work of co-oper­a­tions and won’t promise what we can­not keep.

We gen­er­al­ly work for com­pa­ra­bly mod­er­ate retain­ers and a more impor­tant suc­cess fee.

Gen­er­al­ly com­pa­nies with rel­e­vant assets or turnovers of €/$/SFr. 10 to 50 mil­lion might ben­e­fit from our support.

Talk to us to find out if and what we can do for you. 

After a first free assess­ment of needs and pos­si­bil­i­ties or a sys­tem­at­ic check-up at a sym­bol­ic price, if we feel con­fi­dent to help and you decide for our sup­port, we present you our options to pro­vide you ade­quate advi­so­ry and bro­ker­age ser­vices. Con­tact us.


We add quick and effi­cient com­ple­men­tary addi­tion­al resource.


A dynam­ic, enthu­si­as­tic team of advis­ers does­n’t give up.


Our pro­fes­sion­als have many years’ expe­ri­ence pro­vid­ing finan­cial advice.

Consult us for a review.

Dis­cuss your needs and have a pro­pos­al on next steps for free.

A strate­gic assess­ment and over­all val­u­a­tion of your sit­u­a­tion and major finan­cial changes ahead gives you an unbi­ased snap­shot of cur­rent pos­si­bil­i­ties and a clear, con­cise rec­om­men­da­tion, includ­ing a pos­si­ble timetable for strate­gic and urgent mea­sures to strength­en success.

Upon avail­abil­i­ty of com­pre­hen­sive infor­ma­tion, we gen­er­al­ly offer such a first diag­nos­tic ser­vice at a lim­it­ed fixed price.

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Just sub­mit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly.

Note: Your details are kept strict­ly con­fi­den­tial as per our policy.