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Alternative lending and services

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Daniel Bruellmann
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Alternative financial services compensate banks retreat. What can you do?

  • What alter­na­tives finan­cial ser­vices exist to arrange financ­ing, grow and pro­tect wealth, invest in or sell a com­pa­ny, or save on oth­er services?
  • What can you do now to get your business financed?

  • You can make sure that your busi­ness is among those investors and lenders judge worth­while. And you can approach alter­na­tive sources.
  • You can do more your­self or hire some­body to do it for you. Doing it your­self is what large cor­po­ra­tions and fam­i­ly offices gen­er­al­ly do and keeps you in full control.
  • Present your case the best way. If your case is fit­ting in lenders wish­es, your good CFO and trea­sury might get bet­ter terms than in the past.
  • How­ev­er, if you do not need such capa­bil­i­ties on a recur­rent basis, you might not haven such full-time func­tions in-house, but you can talk to us.
  • How can you have your assets and liabilities correctly managed?

  • Pay an advis­er for the ser­vices you were used to receive from the bank. It might save you mon­ey and pro­vide you a not con­flict­ed result. You prob­a­bly have been pay­ing for bank advice any­way through expen­sive prod­ucts, cus­tody fees, exchange rates, etc. We are con­fi­dent that we will find poten­tial with alter­na­tive finan­cial services.
  • Plan for the longer term than the time hori­zon of banks sales­peo­ple. Think about and your suc­ces­sion, wealth preser­va­tion with­in the fam­i­ly, invest­ments or sale of the com­pa­ny or spe­cif­ic major assets and prop­er­ties. Such events should be pre­pared for long ahead.
  • How can you take advantage of rising opportunities

  • Crowd­fund­ing, peer-to peer lend­ing, tra­di­tion­al and alter­na­tive debt providers, pay­ment ser­vices, bro­kers and all kind of Fin­tech plat­forms are grow­ing alter­na­tive finan­cial services.
  • How­ev­er, if you are not only buy­ing ser­vices but ask­ing for mon­ey, make your­self and your case attrac­tive for the coun­ter­part, make your finan­cials under­stand­able and watch your rating.
  • You can eas­i­ly save mon­ey on small­er oppor­tu­ni­ties such as for­eign exchange or stock broking. As an exam­ple: a dif­fer­ence between bid and ask of bank cur­ren­cy exchange rates 1–7%, depend­ing from amounts and cur­ren­cy pairs, means 0.5 – 3.5% mar­gin on inter-bank rates. You, or we for sure can def­i­nite­ly get bet­ter than that.
  • Merg­ers and Acqui­si­tion are becom­ing more dynam­ic also in the low­er seg­ment. Rise and con­sol­i­da­tion of plat­forms allow an ever faster and broad­er reach to Investors. Talk to us if you want to get ready for such transactions.

Less lending and service from Banks?