Solutions for Entrepreneurs


Arranger » Services

Our services for entrepreneurs and small and medium businesses include

Business Analysis

This is a review of strengths and weak­ness­es of cur­rent state of busi­ness, from mar­ket out­look to finan­cial struc­ture. As a result, it shows also if you are pre­pared to achieve your goals and to attract the nec­es­sary finan­cial resources. Where do you stand?

Business Planning

A busi­ness plan is a jus­ti­fied state­ment of quan­ti­fied busi­ness goals, thus spec­i­fy­ing rea­sons why they are attain­able, and plans for reach­ing them. Are your pre­sen­ta­tions ade­quate to trans­par­ent­ly attract lenders and investors? 


Sound and plau­si­ble assump­tions about future devel­op­ment of com­pa­ny and envi­ron­ment are espe­cial­ly rel­e­vant to obtain­ing and main­tain­ing financ­ing. Most notably infor­ma­tion reduc­ing uncer­tain­ty of future cash-flows. Is there scope in financing?


Adapt­ing for future suc­cess, needs a viable con­cept with a coher­ent strat­e­gy and some­times rad­i­cal mea­sures. Strate­gi­cal, struc­tur­al, oper­a­tional and finan­cial changes often require prob­lem solv­ing. Might a neu­tral point of view be of help?

Mergers & Acquisitions,

Sell­ing the com­pa­ny or parts of it is an infre­quent task for most busi­ness own­ers. Doing it at the best price and secure­ly is a chal­lenge. Do you have need­ed resources in-house?

Real Estate

Cor­po­rate prop­er­ties often make up for a con­sid­er­able cap­i­tal allo­ca­tion and can be a bur­den or an oppor­tu­ni­ty. Are skills to solve issues and devel­op their full poten­tial available?