Our services for entrepreneurs and small and medium businesses include
Business Analysis
This is a review of strengths and weaknesses of current state of business, from market outlook to financial structure. As a result, it shows also if you are prepared to achieve your goals and to attract the necessary financial resources. Where do you stand?
Business Planning
A business plan is a justified statement of quantified business goals, thus specifying reasons why they are attainable, and plans for reaching them. Are your presentations adequate to transparently attract lenders and investors?
Sound and plausible assumptions about future development of company and environment are especially relevant to obtaining and maintaining financing. Most notably information reducing uncertainty of future cash-flows. Is there scope in financing?
Adapting for future success, needs a viable concept with a coherent strategy and sometimes radical measures. Strategical, structural, operational and financial changes often require problem solving. Might a neutral point of view be of help?
Mergers & Acquisitions,
Selling the company or parts of it is an infrequent task for most business owners. Doing it at the best price and securely is a challenge. Do you have needed resources in-house?
Real Estate
Corporate properties often make up for a considerable capital allocation and can be a burden or an opportunity. Are skills to solve issues and develop their full potential available?