Solutions for Entrepreneurs

Business Planning

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A good and up to date busi­ness plan fos­ters the devel­op­ment of the company.

While finan­cial reports describe the past, the busi­ness plan engages with the future and shows wat to expect from the company.

A con­vinc­ing busi­ness plan demon­strates com­pe­tence and can open doors.

A struc­tured and cur­rent busi­ness plan­ning helps exam­i­na­tion of the busi­ness mod­el and strat­e­gy over time.

The finan­cial plan­ning inte­grat­ed in a busi­ness plan makes also a demon­stra­tive con­trol­ling tool.

Changes ahead?

When the exist­ing busi­ness is expect­ing a major change, or plan­ning a new ven­ture, investors look for trans­par­ent facts to jus­ti­fy their most prob­a­ble invest­ment pay-back chances.

Benefits of business planning

Busi­ness plan, busi­ness case, strat­e­gy sum­ma­ry, investors’ pre­sen­ta­tion, infor­ma­tion mem­o­ran­dum or instru­ments like a bal­anced score­card sup­port deci­sion mak­ing. Investors get con­fi­dence about expect­ed cash flows from trans­par­ent and plau­si­ble assump­tions about the future devel­op­ment of the com­pa­ny and its finances. Per­ceived risk influ­ences also risk adjust­ed finan­cial costs and terms.

Obtain­ing and main­tain­ing ade­quate financ­ing is eas­i­er if nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion is avail­able in a struc­tured form and a quick pro­duc­tion of con­vinc­ing Cred­it Appli­ca­tion, Place­ment Doc­u­ments, Infor­ma­tion Mem­o­ran­da, Cap­i­tal Bud­get­ing, etc. is possible.

The busi­ness plan­ning itself helps strate­gic con­sid­er­a­tions with such as sce­nario plan­ning and is an opti­mal prepa­ra­tion for nego­ti­a­tions with investors, banks and oth­er stake­hold­ers. Papers can be derived swift­ly also to recruit tal­ents, get sup­pli­ers and clients or con­vince tar­gets of joint ven­tures or merger.

Our Offering

Keep our offer­ing sum­ma­ry as a reminder.


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