Financing landscape is changing, from bank lending and equity intermediation to a broad mix of actors.
Financing opportunities emerge
While funds from banks used to come with full-service alternative lenders, private debt, crowdfunding, crowdlending, marketplace lending, platforms and other new sources are extending the range of possibilities. However, they generally require a more prepared approach by the borrowers.
Requirements change
Borrowers might thus need a professional in-house financial management and treasury function or outsource some of the tasks.

A detailed cash flow model based on a business plan showing the current situation and financial and cash budgeting is the basis to assess financing structure alternatives and debt capacity.
We review and complete existing or prepare financial models simulating cash flows, thus assessing project risks and valuation with scenario analysis.
Reduction of uncertainty favourably affects terms and conditions.
Following a market screening, we propose optimization measures and develop suitable market-compatible capital structures. We thus define adequate instruments and choose contact suitable local and foreign lenders and investors.