Solutions for Entrepreneurs


Arranger » Services » Financing

Financ­ing land­scape is chang­ing, from bank lend­ing and equi­ty inter­me­di­a­tion to a broad mix of actors.

Financing opportunities emerge

While funds from banks used to come with full-ser­vice alter­na­tive lenders, pri­vate debt, crowd­fund­ing, crowdlend­ing, mar­ket­place lend­ing, plat­forms and oth­er new sources are extend­ing the range of pos­si­bil­i­ties. How­ev­er, they gen­er­al­ly require a more pre­pared approach by the borrowers.

Requirements change

Bor­row­ers might thus need a pro­fes­sion­al in-house finan­cial man­age­ment and trea­sury func­tion or out­source some of the tasks.


Our Offering

Keep our offer­ing sum­ma­ry as a reminder.


Contact us

Any ques­tions or com­ments? We’d love to help.
Send us an email, or call
+41 44 5863868 .

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