Solutions for Entrepreneurs

Mergers & Acquisitions

Arranger » Services » Mergers & Acquisitions

We sup­port you in the plan­ning and exe­cu­tion of invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties, acqui­si­tions, sell­ing a busi­ness or parts of it.

Get ready for transaction

You have to deliv­er what is need­ed to con­clude the intend­ed trans­ac­tion to the best terms with­out caus­ing issues and delays.

A good start­ing point is a suit­able legal and oper­a­tional struc­ture with trans­par­ent and detailed his­tor­i­cal and actu­al report­ing and a well-struc­tured access to rel­e­vant information.

In prac­tice, this is sel­dom the case, espe­cial­ly for small and medi­um com­pa­nies. Once you thus con­sid­er a trans­ac­tion, your team has to per­form dif­fer­ent task in a rel­a­tive­ly short time. These include such as updat­ing busi­ness and finan­cial plan­ning, cash flow mod­el­ling, risk-man­age­ment, legal and struc­tur­ing, data access, and pos­si­bly secur­ing ade­quate finance sources.

Selling a Business

Once you have defined your objec­tives, you will need a sol­id busi­ness pro­pos­al to start con­tact­ing researched and select­ed investors and nego­ti­ate struc­tures and terms. If dur­ing the due dili­gence process, inter­est and an agree­ment in prin­ci­ple is found, par­ties review and con­sid­er all known details to con­se­quent­ly define the struc­ture of the trans­ac­tion. A com­pre­hen­sive legal doc­u­men­ta­tion will then sub­stan­ti­ate the clos­ing of any major finan­cial trans­ac­tion. This will be fol­lowed-up by such as the ful­fil­ment of con­di­tions precedent.


Our Offering

Keep our offer­ing sum­ma­ry as a reminder.


Contact us

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Send us an email, or call
+41 44 5863868 .

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