Solutions for Entrepreneurs

Real Estate

Arranger » Services » Real Estate

Cor­po­rate real estate can make up for a con­sid­er­able cap­i­tal allo­ca­tion and can be a bur­den or an oppor­tu­ni­ty. Thus, any chance to increase prop­er­ty val­ue can be crucial.

Risks or opportunities

Com­plex prop­er­ties due to pecu­liar struc­tur­al, for­mal or legal char­ac­ter­is­tics bear con­straints and by con­se­quence usu­al­ly also chances. There­fore, devel­op­ment, re-posi­tion­ing, change of use, sep­a­ra­tion, refi­nanc­ing, and dis­po­si­tion can lead to real­iz­ing hid­den prop­er­ty value.

Optimize hidden property value

Our Offering

Keep our offer­ing sum­ma­ry as a reminder.


Contact us

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Send us an email, or call
+41 44 5863868 .

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