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External support to restructure companies in Greece

Taking advantage of recent changes for viable businesses.

Feb­ru­ary 8th 2016, Dr. Daniel H. Brüll­mann,,

After notic­ing in a pre­vi­ous paper that the improved Greek legal frame­work for insol­ven­cies, which still seems dys­func­tion­al in some aspects, and the recent recap­i­tal­iza­tion of banks open oppor­tu­ni­ties to com­pa­nies and entre­pre­neurs to restruc­ture their busi­ness­es, we address some of the steps to under­take for either out-of-court or in-court restruc­tur­ing to save long term sur­vival of a viable business.

Investment opportunities restructuring Greek businesses

Changes in regulation shall help restructuring Greek businesses

Invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties are expect­ed along the process. Feb­ru­ary 2nd 2016, Dr. Daniel H. Brüllmann Amidst many evi­dent prob­lems in Greece there are also pos­i­tive devel­op­ments, which should not be over­looked. Grad­ual changes to the legal frame­work for insol­ven­cies and recap­i­tal­iza­tions of banks open oppor­tu­ni­ties for com­pa­nies to restruc­ture their busi­ness and for cred­i­tors to improve their low expect­ed recov­ery rate. Com­plex and long pro­ce­dures have been sim­pli­fied. Banks until now ret­i­cent have to take action. First large and com­pre­hen­sive restruc­tur­ings have recent­ly emerged. Also medi­um sized com­pa­nies might be well advised to shrug off hes­i­ta­tions and fol­low such examples.