Solutions for Entrepreneurs


Arranger » Thoughts

Preparing for sale

Selling a business — Part II:

Let’s pre­pare for sale. In M&A cri­te­ria and time­line we did­n’t go into details. And now we won’t tell you here to increase the val­ue of your busi­ness before sell­ing it, as we assume that you have been doing it up to now as well as you could and planned the exit. If how­ev­er, the struc­ture is not ade­quate to prop­er­ly func­tion with­out the own­er or presents oth­er issues, we should go back one step and do the pre­lim­i­nary home­work. If some­body else just might do it bet­ter, it opens a chance and con­firms the right time to sell.

Less lending and service from banks?

Banks reduce SMEs lending services. What is happening?

  • Lend­ing to non-finan­cial cor­po­ra­tions in Europe is declin­ing since years while much funds are idle and cen­tral banks’ inter­ests low. Banks reduce SMEs lend­ing ser­vices espe­cial­ly in the stressed Euro periph­ery with consequences.